Hi everyone.....my name is Bombshell and I am a food addict. This would be when you respond with a "Hi Bombshell". In all seriousness.....I've known in my heart for quite sometime that I've had a very unhealthy relationship with food. It's a struggle I have been dealing with for about 12 years (since about the age of 14). I have tried numerous weightloss plans, seen a dietician, etc. I have had some success, but always seem to get off track and gain back what I lost and more. I happen to have a mother who is a perfect size 4 and is completely obsessed with me losing weight. I know she has good intentions, but it is exhausting and hurtful at times to listen to her ask me about my "diet" every time we speak. I will not open that can of worms right now, I'd be typing all night.
Anyway, now for the reason I decided to start this blog. I have recently been feeling quite terrible about myself and I have gained about 25 lbs in the last 4 months. My pants don't fit anymore, I have about 3 pairs that I can squeeze into, but it does not look flattering. I refuse to buy new pants because I don't have the extra money and I don't want to stay this size for long. So I have been really depressed and still unable to stop stuffing my face. I watched The Dr. Oz show today and he had a segment about food addiction. He talked about 5 warning signs, and I definitely do at least 4 of them, if not all 5. This is my journal to log my emotions and feelings as I try to go down the road to recovery from food addiction. It's mostly for me, but if people start reading it and it's helpful, then great! Tomorrow begins day 1 of my food log and cutting back on sweets and eating when I'm not actually hungry. I'm sure I'll have more to say tomorrow about it......withdrawal here I come!
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